Le vélo sans petite culotte

vendredi, novembre 03, 2006

Shooting guns with Gonzo

Je vous ai souvent parlé de Outside, le meilleur magazine au monde. J'en faisais l'éloge à Chroniques Blondes il y a quelques semaines. D'ailleurs dans la même discussion nous abordions Hunter S. Thompson. Eh bien! Novembre 2006 full synchro: dans l'édition présentement en kioske de Outside, il y a un article signé Émily Larocque, 'Remembering Gonzo'.

Ms Larocque a été "editorial assistant"...
My job descriptiopn was vague. Hunter had called it "editorial assistant" and talked about books and movies, but other things took precedent. I poached eggs. I poured Chivas. I ordered Chivas. I took notes on meetings with lawyers in the middle of the nights.
[...]I washed convertibles. I picked up food from the Woody Creek Tavern. I picked up food from the tavern with Sean Penn, whom, by August I envied a little because he got to leave when he liked.

Puis parlant de sa soirée en compagnie de Sean et Hunter...
I remember Hunter saying my age out loud and both of them staring into space.

À lire dans Outside novembre 2006.
He said he wouldn't recommend drugs as a lifestyle but that they'd worked for him.

Mise à jour: l'article est maintenant disponible en ligne.


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