Est-ce que c'est juste moi?
Désolé pour ceux qui n'ont pas vu l'épisode d'hier, mais sur le site de la série on ne trouve pas de profil ou photo du beau Bo.
As I told the crowd that night, I want you to buy a book by Jim Shepard and read it, and if you don't like it come to me. I'll give you your money back and then I'll kick your ass.
Winking is a crime. It’s harassment.
If you wink, drop it from the repertoire. Today. Do it now. Do it for the kids. Do it for Africa. Do it for yourself.
Our president is a winker. Like his father before him.
Need I say anymore???
Please. Join me. Let's stop it now. Let's rid our planet of this plague forever.
Blink. Don't Wink.™
If someone winks at you today. Kill them. It's legal. It's self-defense.
Blink. Don't Wink.™
When you consider the parallel speed at which Web sites proliferated in the 1990s and the blogs did in the early years of this decade, the conservative aesthetic really stands out. It took several years before Web site designers learned that less is more, that a good user experience comes out of simplicity and consistency. Not that all Web site designers learned this lesson. Compared to traditional portals, which still tend to experiment like teenagers in search of an identity, blogs are like graduate students – almost bohemian in their lack of ostentation, attractive precisely because they seem to so easily convey who their authors are.
Personally, j'ai longtemps cru que ce combat était perdu d'avance. La Francophonie me paraissait une lutte réservée aux dons Quichottes québécois.[...]
[...] many famous stars look totally hideous in HD, because their previously-unnoticed imperfections -- tiny wrinkles, face-lift seams -- suddenly become glaring flaws. But all the experts I talked to noted that nature shows look fabulous. Humans in closeup wither; but nature flowers, because its beauty is fractal -- the closer you get, the more you can notice the elegant nuances of a leaf, a river, or an iguana.
" Moi, j'ai fait appeler mon agent de presse et je lui ai dit que je voulais parler de Dracula. Je lui ai dit: je ne veux pas parler de ma vie privée ", explique Daniel Boucher.
" Ça ne s'est pas rendu jusqu'à moi ", indique Michel Jasmin.
" De la minute que les caméras roulent, hostie, vous faites ce que vous voulez, tout le temps ", continue Daniel Boucher, un faux sourire accroché au visage.
La patente tente de vendre ton âme blanche
et d'en faire sa servante
ça t'atteint sans q'tu l'sente
ton âme flanche
soit qu'on choisit d'se rendre soit qu'on s'défend
Je me demande si je suis la seule personne qui a l'impression qu'André Boisclair lit une dictée quand il fait un discours ou qu'il s'adresse aux médias. Le rythme de ses phrases est tellement rempli de pauses artificielles que je m'attends toujours à ce qu'il scande "virgule" ou "point à la ligne".
If you are unlucky enough to be shot at but lucky enough to be missed, sometimes you hear instead the sound of the bullet itself. Inertia keeps supersonic bullets moving at high speed, while the muzzle blast rapidly decays in strength like the spherical shock wave from an explosion. So the bullet inexorably pulls ahead of the decaying muzzle blast, trailing oblique shock waves. These shock waves produce the sensation of a sharp "crack" as the bullet passes, followed later by the "bang" of the muzzle blast. This sequence varies with timing and the hearer's position with respect to the bullet's path, making it very difficult to determine the direction of gunfire from its perceived sounds.
For example, I think our grandsons would thank us for making happy endings the traditional way to end both movies and massages.
"Like a Virgin" is all about aBon je vous laisse fouiller pour les explications...
girl who digs a guy with a big
dick. The whole song is a
metaphor for big dicks.
When you're dealing with a store
like this, they're insured up the
ass. They're not supposed to give
you and resistance
whatsoever. If you get a customer
or an employee who thinks he's
Charles Bronson, take the butt of
your gun and smash their nose in.
Drops 'em right to the floor.
Everyone jumps, he falls down,
screaming, blood squirts out his
nose. Freaks everybody out.
Nobody says fuckin shit after
that. You might get some bitch
talk shit to ya. But give her a
look, like you're gonna smash her
in the face next. Watch her shut
the fuck up. Now if it's a
manager, that's a different story.
The managers know better than to
fuck around. So if one's givin
you static, he probably thinks
he's a real cowboy. So what you
gotta do is break that son-of-a-
bitch in two. If you wanna know
something and he won't tell you,
cut off one of his fingers. The
little one. Then you tell 'im his
thumb's next. After that he'll
tell ya if he wears ladies
underwear. I'm hungry, let's get
a taco.